
PC Sharing Switch

ConsolePlus is a PC sharing switch that allows users to access one PC from two sets of keyboard, mouse and monitor. It can be used effectively in the classroom or at home for interactive teaching, training or presentation purpose. One user can take the role as a teacher or presenter and the other user as the student or audience. The teacher/presenter can decide whether the keyboard and mouse control be released to the student/audience or just allow them to see only the video output on the screen without keyboard and mouse control.

n  Plug-and-Play for easy installation and operation

n  Allow two users (1 local console/teacher + 1 remote console/student) to access one computer while console 1 (teacher ) can monitor and control the PC and its keyboard/mouse usage.

n  Maximize the efficiency and convenience of computer classroom/home teaching and increase productivity

n  Simple and cost-effective way to allow teacher an effective control over student’s operation and learning steps.

n  User adjustable time-out (0~99 sec) for the shared usage between teacher and student (shared mode)

n  Computer access on a first-come-first-serve basis

n  Only one user (teacher or student) is "active" at any one time

n  The active user (teacher or student) has exclusive control of his own PC until the time-out limit is exceeded

n  Private mode for privileged operation

型号 ConsolePlus
产品说明 PC共享开关
连接端口数 1
控制端口数 2
控制端键盘界面 2 x PS/2 母头 
控制端鼠标界面 2 x PS/2 母头
控制端视频界面 2 x VGA HDB15 母头
被控端键盘界面 通过视频连接器 
被控端鼠标界面 通过视屏连接器 
被控端视频接口 VGA HDB15 母头 
类比视频分辨率 2048 x 1536 
键盘及鼠标信号模拟 支持 
自动扫描间隔时间 1~99 秒 
操作溫度 0 ~ 40°C 
儲存溫度 -20 ~ 60°C 
湿度 0〜90%RH,非冷凝 
電源型式 PS/2总线电源 
重量 140g 
尺寸(長×寬×高 ) 110 x 74 x 34mm 
安規認證 FCC, CE